This month's giveaway is for one of my favorite items in my shop right now...a Little Secrets Locket Bracelet. It features 7 small vintage lockets and faux pearls on a brass rolo chain. Here is a link to the bracelet in my shop:
Little Secrets
How to enter:
Visit my shop, Out of the Blue , and find something that I can improve on. Then come back and post a comment with your constructive critiscm...maybe you think my prices are too high, maybe my photos need help, perhaps there is a type of jewelry you think I should add to my shop. Anything you can think of that can help me improve my shop! I have thick skin, so don't be afraid to hurt my feelings :)
Earn extra entries:
For two extra entries, post a link to my giveaway on your blog. Come back and post a link to your blog in a separate comment.
Don't have a blog? That's Ok...you can still earn 2 extra entries by emailing a link to my giveaway to 5 friends. Send a copy of your email to jjscott@cableone.net
All entries must be received by 11:59pm October 31st (CST) Winner will be announced on November 1st. Good Luck!!
I can't say that you need to impove on much. I love your jewerly. The necklaces are so beautiful as our the bracelets and earrings. Maybe some dark pieces, that can be worm for winter, or even to Halloween parties. Dark reds and purples.....
angelleslament @ gmail.com
YOu asked for it!
you need more sets.... 8-) I love your jewelry!!! I love the giveaway item too!
so yea you have one set... not that I buy many sets but that was the only issue I saw!
lots of items- good assortment, I agree with the sets- and not just earrings and necklace- like a bracelet/ring/ or necklace earring/ring. Otherwise very nice items..love the bracelets
mrs.mommyy at gmail.com
You're jewelry is lovely, and you have a good assortment. My personal preference would be for you to have more items that are all or mostly silver -- not the antiqued silver, but regular silver. Thanks so much for the giveaway item, which is beautiful; I'd share it with my daughter.
Honestly, I love the way your jewelry is. Your jewelry is one of the most unique and beautiful pieces I've come across so far. All I can say is keep doing what you're doing, because you're very talented. :)
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
looks great to me
I guess that I would suggest that you improve your photos. They are very artistic photos, but most of them don't show the entire piece of jewelry.
It all looks good but better/bigger more artistic photos of your items for sale.
Colorful backgrounds?
More variety perhaps?
Jas hogue @ gmail. com
My only suggestion is the names are so long for the items. They are beautiful items, but I have never seen such long names before. thank you
you should offer more sets
there really isn't much to improve, your stuff is beautifeul. Maybe show more of it on actual peole.
Oooh, I loved this bracelet at first sight :)
Ok, so here are some thoughts: the announcement is a bit long, wordy, & clutter-ish. Maybe combine some things, delete unnecessary words/phrases, move info to other sections. Also, I noticed you have your policies mentioned in both profile & policy section. I'm wondering if you can just delete the bit in your profile, so that's nice & clean & just have all your policies listed in one place. When I buy on Etsy I always look at these places & it can really lend a bit of professionalism & personality. Other than that I really like your shop- lovely & original style, nice feeling, good photos, beautiful items.
Hope this is helpful!
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions so far! This is a wonderful learning experience for me and I hope to incorporate all of your suggestions within the next few weeks!
i love your site and i think the photos of the pieces are amazing! you could always add more pieces...
Love that bracelet. I looked all around your shop, the stuff is fabulous but a few of the pictures make it hard to see the jewelry. For example the LEMON DROPS earrings kind of disappear against the background in the first picture. I like that you take many photo's though. Also, as someone said, seeing them on someone or against a ruler gives an idea of the scale of the piece. Thanks for the contest.
If you can (the number of items not being too large) I like sites where they give you an option to "view all" so you can see at a glance the choices instead of viewing page by page.
I like the lulu glass ring.
Love the selection of "earrings" but I'd like there to be more "sets" available.
It would be nice if you could add more victorian style jewellery - especially pendants and rings.
damlakayi (at) yahoo.com
gosh, I don't see a lot to improve in your shop ... maybe include your shop name in your banner! love the bracelet, the little lockets are so sweet ...
Would like to see more of a variety in the bracelets offered. A couple of simple one color pieces would be nice for coordinating with a special outfit.
I really enjoy your work!
For me, some of the backgrounds in the photos are either too busy or not busy enough for the piece being showed...
That would be the full extent of my constructive critism! :-)
I really liked you website. It was easy to move around and moved fast. The only thing I could find that might be improved is the Friday special didn't pop out at me it was the same print as the rest on the front page and maybe could be a bit bolder or brighter to catch the eye. I love you items. The earring with the flowers are beautiful.
the lay out
Hello, my name is Megan. I love your things very much BUT *dundundun* the sale prices you have aren't exactly sale per se. They're only a few dollars off, lameo! =P But other than that (the already cheap prices) are spectacular! Love it all! xo (moogun@live.com)
Your store header could be improved. The photo is adorable, yet it needs the logo incorporated with it...not just and understatement (quite literally, it is stated underneath the photot).
I shared about your giveaway here:
Have A Happy Day!
Deborah @ A Cup Of Joy
also @ Comfort Joy Designs
and @ The Chocolisas
and @ Read. Rave. Review.
More sets.
I would improve your tags. If you notice the default search says "Handmade Items: Tags, Titles" meaning that if you use the word earring in the title it is a waste to use it as a tag too.
mama.may24 (at) ymail (dot) com
more sets
Your product is great, the only suggestion I would have is to organize the jewalry into types, ring, pendant, pin, etc.
Your shop looks excellent great stock clearly labelled beautifully photographed and presented your prices are perfect and even your shipping to uk europe ect is very reasonable
sorry but i am hard pushed to seel an fault there
Gosh ,everything is so nice, this was a tough one. The only thing i can think of is maybe your banner is a little boring, but that would never stop me from ordering!!
I think you have some very beautiful, original, well-priced items on your site. I usually don't care for a lot of the hand-made jewelry I see on the web, but your stuff is very nice. I would like to see the fallen leaves in a larger, copper version on their own (no other beads on the earrings), but that's just my own style. I just love a big earring, not really a dainty kinda gal. I do like stud earrings and like that you offer some, they are nice for day or when you have a necklace that should stand out. Thanks!
forgot my contact info before: tgoly[at]yahoo[dot]com
I don't think you need improvement.
The jewelry is very pretty.
I would like to see more rings.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I blogged this giveaway:
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
You are really talented & have great jewelry sold in your shop! Maybe you could advertise your shop to boost sales more? And one thing: Maybe you could consider taking pictures of people wearing the jewelry? Im the kind of person who's unable to picture it on myself.. :S Haha. But im sure you're doing just fine at the moment! :)
I literally couldn't find fault. I intentionally headed for necklaces because often I can't find how long the necklace is. Yours had lengths listed. I hate short necklaces and love charms on them so maybe you could make more of them. Also pictures of necklaces on are always great. I always appreciate that.
This is hard -- your work is absolutely stunning! The only thing I can think of to say -- and it may be something you don't do or want to do as it isn't in line with your artistic style, is to possibly consider having a few jewelry pieces on a smaller scale if that makes sense! I LOVED what I saw on your site. And some of the pieces I also adored but just wouldn't wear because of how much larger they are than the things I am more comfortable wearing (unless it is for a big drama statement on a special occasion) Does that make sense? Also, maybe a couple of pieces in more netral tones (clear glass, gold tones, etc) to add more variety to what you offer. You do great work!
As you know I ADORE this bracelet and the one in your shop just sold yesterday (I'm SOOOO hoping my hubby bought it :) But I thought I'd better enter just in case he didn't.
Your shop is so lovely I'm not quite sure what or if anything needs to be changed but I do like the idea of those "Convertable Bracelet/Necklaces". I'd like to see more of those and,, of course, more locket bracelets!
My fingers are officially crossed!!!
Hi to you, actually i think your shop looks very nice and fine the way it is. I'm not the right person to criticize, I think everything is fine as it is. I have a shop of my own and I think you're doing ok. But I'm no professional so.....You do good work so that's all I can say to you.
I think you've done a great job with organizing your shop. I had a hard time finding something to improve on. I guess one suggestion would be to add some richer colors for Fall/Winter. Other than that, it's perfect!
I prefer more delicate chains
awesome items. I'd like to see more variety and more uniqueness in some of the items. I like what i saw tho :) great stuff, so keep up the good work!
The only thing I can think of to improve on is to make your pictures bigger or more detailed.
agsweeps [@] hotmail [.] com
I LOVE this bracelet that for the giveaway! What an original idea...why have only one locket when you can have 7! AWESOME!
I think your shop is great. I love the your pictures; it looks like natural, outdoor light (my favorite). Maybe you could show some views of a locket propped open once in a while? And I only say that because I am totally LOOKING for something to suggest.
Really, just keep up the good work!
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
Maybe more choker length or multi-layer pieces? I like the overall style but for someone short like me I tend to look for shorter lengths or chokers just for some variety. You have the Divine necklace, but it's the only one currently posted with two strands. And definitely some darker colors would be awesome. Still, nice pieces!
jessica.tupper at gmail dot com
It's hard to find anything that needs improvement to your shop. Your prices are good, jewelry is pretty and keeps within your niche. Your photography is good also. The only negative I can say with the photos, is in some pictures when you have a smaller item, say earrings, the side (of the frame) that is in the background, can somewhat distract from a smaller piece. (Minor detail though.)
I agree, there isn't much to critique. Your prices are totally acceptable and your photography displays your jewelry nicely. One thing that really popped out to me was the collage Keychain. I'd like to see more of them in your shoppe. :)
really nice!
i think some items don't pop with the natural light... there was a bracelet against bamboo where i wasn't sure where the design ended and the jewelry began. light box maybe? but your stuff is gorgeous.
blogged here: http://alexladydesigns.blogspot.com/
I tried to find something to criticize about your shop, but was unable. You have a great banner, your policy section is filled out, you have a wonderful selection (there aren't a lot of etsy shops that sell stud earrings), the prices are reasonable, if not lower than they could be, and your shipping costs are wonderful. I looked at all the things that usually bug me and you don't have any problems as far as I'm concerned... Keep up the good work! :)
I simply love your jewelry :) I cannot find one thing to improve on, seriously love everything.
Trying to find anything to criticize in your shop is nearly impossible. You have gorgeous, unique jewelry and I wouldn't mind owning it all! The only thing that maybe I would change, and maybe not would just to make all of your backgrounds more uniform, but I don't know, it looks great!
Wow - and here I thought I could stumble upon some easy common mistakes in a shop - but you seem to be doing everything right!
You are tagging properly, using multiple photos, good titles, etc.
And of course the jewelry is GORGEOUS and very reasonably priced. I will be hearting your shop, not criticizing it!
My only small suggestion is to get some photos in natural light, perhaps outdoors. Try including more rich colored backgrounds that will enhance the metals and stones you use. Great pics = more treasury features!
btw - love the Emily compass earrings (and that is a fab photo!)
oooooh, i so wanna give that to my mum.
The jewelry's phenomenal but as far as improvements go... lower prices...? :D
I like the backgrounds on your jewelry and your sign is great too. I didn't really see any issues.
I love your jewelry! Love the pictures you've taken, prices are reasonable. Keep doing what you're doing.
If you need more inspiration on the photographs, maybe take pictures of the necklaces on natural stone, branches,...
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!
ann dot guns at mac dot com
Great jewelry! Your items are gorgeous, maybe have more pictures of them on actual people so that it's easier to get an idea of the size, etc.
Your work is beautiful, and your photography is too, but for the main photograph for each piece I would make sure the background is not distracting.
urchiken at gmail dot com
Wow, great site. I can't see much you could improve on. Maybe offer earring/necklace sets? Also, maybe show a close-up of the clasp (or do a FAQ of clasp types). I am not 100% sure what a lobster clasp etc is.
love your site...wow..everyone pretty much said it all...I like the suggestion of keeping the names simple..so I second that
3beez at bellsouth dot net
Totally personal, but I don't like the photos of the jewelery on the "wicker" looking white background. The texture is unflattering to the jewelry.
Your jewelry is very pretty, my suggestion would be to have a picture of the item on either have a manaquin (spelling?) or a person, that way people can get a better feeling of the size of the jewelry, sometimes its easier to see it from farther away instead of just a close up :)
I would love to see a hair piece that is beaded with the top part being a figure 8 that has a stick to hold your hair together in a bun. Is that confusing? I love your stuff. I hate to say what you need to do because it feels like I'm saying it's not good enough already.
It really looks fine to me, but maybe the items would look better with a darker background to stand out better.
tuesdayef (at) aol dot com
I absolutely love your stuff! If anything, I see lots of the same beautiful vintage colors. I would love to see more of the deeper/richer jewel tones--ruby, sapphire, etc. That's all I can think of!
wow, I love your jewelry! I especially like the INDIAN SUMMER charm necklace, very cool!
More sets, because they make great gifts.
you have some beautiful bracelets, I would love to see more of them.
Sometimes for me it's hard to judge just how big or small a piece is from a photo and despriction alone. Maybe a few more photos with body parts? (I did see the ring on a hand.)
I love the locket bracelet. I have always liked lockets. This is very cool. I like your creativity.
chefskate at aol dot com
The items are beautiful but it is hard to tell how big or small they are. If you could put them next to something we can relate th esize to that would be great.
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
I like the navigation sections you have set up, but to be consistent, change brooch to brooches. It's also really weird to see a seperate category called destash, since I never heard of that. Okay, it did make me curious enough to look, but it was kinda weird. The copper star loops would make a really cool Christmas tree. If you have a lot, I'd be interested in seeing a tree of them used to display some earring "ornaments." Egads. What's wrong with me? It's not even Halloween and I'm thinking Christmas? Ah well, when you craft things you gotta plan ahead sometimes.
Nice site.
I would love to see some anklets. I don't like to wear bracelts as they make me feel like I am wearing a watch and I keep checking the time!
My suggestion is to add more pins. Thanks for a chance to win :-)
I can't find anything wrong with your shop! You have great photos, all your shop policies are there. Sorry I can't be of more help
Wow. there really isn't much to improve upon. The jewerly is beautiful, the prices are reasonable and your etsy header matches the style of your jewerly.
I guess if anything I would suggest is experimenting more with colours. Bright, dark, pastel, neon...
Nice photos, nice jewelry, great prices...I don't know!! How about modeling some jewelry for pictures???
Are you kidding? If anything you should add MORE products! LOL!!!
I went through your site and check out some of the items I liked the most. The prices were MORE then reasonable for beautiful unique jewelry. In fact I think on some items you could charge more.
The pictures are all great. I am a freelance photographer and I don't see anything wrong with your pictures.
I'm sorry that I couldn't think of any improvements. If anything I can offer you lots of kudos.
Hunnyv "at" Optonline "dot" net
The only thing I could think of to improve on might be the presentation in the pictures. I'd love to see the jewels on a model, with an outfit, or something like that. Lovely items, though!
I love the antiqued silver but my daughter would love some of the setting to be sterling silver. She loves the stones and style but needs it to be updated for her age group.
I love that locket bracelet. What a fabulous idea!
Your work is wonderful. My constructive criticism is: Don't photograph on wood backgrounds. It makes your gorgeous jewelry look a bit dull. My opinion. I hope it helps. Thanks!
~ Jodi
I love your bobby pins and would love to see more!
mountaingoats at hotmail dot com
I've linked to my blog, I'm off to check your shop now!
I love bobby pins and would like to see more too! There are just a couple of pics that are a bit dark, the lemmon drops is one example. I love your store and love everything about those craft grab bags!!
I think your prices are good. I think all the pieces are lovely and the pictures are great. I wish someone would give me some opinions about my merchandise too.
You have one blue glass cabuchon ring in your shop that's really beautiful. It would be nice of you would have more rings along that vein of styling, the gemstone looking centerpiece. Otherwise, you're doing a pretty darn good job!
Hi there. I posted a link to your giveaway on my blog: http://thishandmadelife.blogspot.com/2008/10/more-fall-giveaways.html .
~ Jodi / jrenshaw@hotmail.com
hmm there's really nothing i can say to improve on your shop it's very nice and has everything covered from the awesome items to the beautiful pictures... ^-^
Beautiful work. No bad things to say, your photos are fabulous.
=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com
Your shop looks great! Maybe one suggestion would be to place a coin or ruler in the photos with earrings so people can get a good idea of scale.
wow!! your store is fabulous!! this is the first time i had ever heard about your store and you should be very proud of what you have created!! I am particularly in love with the BEACH CHIC soldered glass necklace...what a work of art!! {i have given DH a hint, that it would make a great xmas gift for moi!}
as far as giving you any feedback on what you could do with your store to improve it, i'd offer this suggestion. Another alternate means of a background for photographing your jewelry, would be to use a satin type fabric layered over tiered objects, eg: small boxes etc, and then artistically drape your items over the fabric...i have used this technique before when i photograph my hand made cards...it works really well, and scrunching the fabric in places gives a great soft, lush and flowing appearance.
hope that helps...good luck with your endevours in the future.
I tried to find something that you could improve on, but there wasn't much i could find. maybe more jewelry sets? but i loved almost everything in your store!
oh how beautiful! i want in!!!
shannon at haitianroots dot com
A gorgeous piece of jewellry! Hard to find something that has not been said before...
Keep up the good work, you obviously love what you're doing.
Oh, wow! I love the Little Secrets bracelet. I have always been a big fan of lockets and vintage faux pearls. I'm also a big fan of the K-I-S-S-I-N-G brooch. I like how your stuff looks vintage and pretty and delicate but it also shows your sense of humor.
I really like many of your pieces. I guess my only advice would be to add more hairpins.
I really like the unique aspect of the locket jewelry. You have a really good assortment of necklaces and earrings-seems like there is something for everyone. I do like the soldered glass pendants however, and perhaps would like so see a few more to choose from, maybe some colorful ones?
micaela6955 at msn dot com
My advice... offer gift certificates and some pin up jewelry. Love those looks! Great giveaway!
I love to wear bracelets, so maybe more of those
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Site looks great, I wouldn't recommend changing anything.
You have a great line of jewelry! Some of your pictures are hard to tell what the item is without looking at the description....ie a bracelet or a necklace. So I guess my suggestion is to take a more "detailed" picture...if that makes sense!
elkmeese at yahoo dot com
I think your shop is really nice. The only suggestion I have is to lighten up the background on the photos with dark backgrounds - the white or lighter color backgrounds look great.
Wow - that necklace is adorable. It would be nice if every piee could be shown being worn by someone.
I'd love to see the pieces modeled on a live person, it's so much easier to get a feel for how the piece will look on. Beautiful items!
Christina - xristya@rock.com - Some of the photos could be shot more clearly, using either natural light or another form of light. Otherwise, everything on the site is absolutely splendid, and it's a delight to visit! You're certainly a perfectionist!
You have very nice jewelry! The only improvement I can think of is more holiday items--Halloween, etc. Thank you for the contest!
The only thing I would even consider changing is the earwires on the Amira teardrops. I have to avoid open ear wires as for some reason 1 always seems to work its way around and I lose it.
I'd like to see more chandelier type earrings, just because I like that kind the most.
Love the jewelry, but more gold please...also maybe more sets and themes
i would love to see more rings! but in general love ur stuff!!
how about some hair clips and pony tail holders? - I wear my hair cliped back in a pony tail at the nape of my neck and like nice looking clips.
Love your pieces...I would say do more with pearls. I love the bracelet you are featuring and I love pearls!
I am fascinated by your jewelry! It is really beautiful. My favorite pieces are key to the past and what dreams may come. I hate to give you this advice, however on some of your pieces I think you could stand to raise your prices a bit, if you want to retail in stores. Your things are very classy and unique.Good luck with everything, I hope that helps.
I'll say bobby pins and thanks for the contest. skyskyaa11(at)gmail.com
Great jewelry. I love to have one bold piece to complete a look.
Hmmm... You've posted quality photos, your shipping and shipping discounts are quite reasonable, and you seem to have a good assortment of items. I'd recommend expanding your accessories section. The bobby pins are great as are the key chains, maybe lower the prices just slightly. Higher prices on smaller items (especially ones like clips and key chains that aren't as dramatic as jewelry) can be a turn-off. Overall, your store and your pieces are lovely!
Your jewelry is very impressive. I love jewelry. Thanks for the giveaway.
I think your site was great pictures were very well done and your prices were really very reasonable I would like to see more matching sets such as ring and ear rings or neclace these a uniqe and Im sure people would ask were did you get that! Thank you!
Such pretty stuff! I would like to see some of what is written in your profile included in your shop announcement - like the fact that the many of the items are one of a kind.
I found your website very eye pleasing and you have great items for sale the only thing Ithink would make it better is to organize the jewalry into the type they are (rings, bracelets, etc...)
:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)
nothing everything looks great to me :)
The only thing I can think of to tell you, is maybe have more sets available. Other than that, you site is set up really nice, pics are good, and your prices are comparable to other handmade sites. Good job!
Maybe it is just my screen but your pictures make your jewelry look a bit washed out. Otherwise fantastic stuff! :D
jkupc7 at yahoo dot com
I like the layout of your website; very nicely done.
Your jewelry is very beautiful. I would like to see a few beachy inspired pieces. I love to wear jewelry in the summer and nice pieces can always compliment a nice sundress or tank.
Thank you for the nice giveaway.
Christina - xristya@rock.com - Perhaps fewer visuals of items on a page might be good. The work is so varied that it's a lot to take in at one time, but that could be remedied with fewer items on each page.
More sets especially with christmas coming
love that "wing and a prayer"
As far as criticism, I can't even spell it, let alone give it, especially to someone that gets out there and takes her knocks with the best of them
very nice but not much in the way of silver pices
Bonnie in FL
more silver
I love your Out of the Blue Etsy Shop! I have a passion for vintage inspired pieces and immediately fell in love with about a dozen of your items, one of which is the VICTORIAN VIXEN Necklace! Why look for criticism when there isn't any need for it! I am teasing you, in my humble opinion you do not need to improve on anything, just keep tweeking what you are already doing to always kick things up a notch so you are continually growing and evolving as both an artist and a business woman! Does that make sense?? I truly love your jewelry and I also love that you have such a variety of unique and beautiful items that will appeal to a large audience of people! Thank you for the opportunity to enter!
I would like to see a full pic of the jewelery and also more in the silver area
Your jewelry is beautiful. Paging through the website, I would suggest that the photos on the first page should be more straight-on. When I click on a piece, you have great additional photos. Small criticism, and not really necessary, but you asked. :) I've bookmarked your site and will be visiting when I'm doing my holiday shopping!
I would have to say more silver items and maybe anklets.
I liked it - you don't need any improvement
I like that you've organized the jewelry by category (necklace etc.) but what about type (modern, vintage, etc.)
jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com
I like your site and bookmarked it. I would say that there could be more sets offered, but there is a nice variety of items. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com
I would like more sets.
I want more memorail type jewelry to honor our dearly departed loved ones.
You might add some pendants that can hung on other necklaces.
link building service
posicionamiento en buscadores
I really like the Deep Blue Sea necklace! The shop has really pretty pieces!
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