I always loved exchanging Valentine's with my schoolmates as a young girl. Now I get to live through the excitement all over again through my daughter, Shelby. We always have a lot of fun decorating her Valentine boxes together. This year instead of doing the usual decorated shoe box, we decided to decorate a paper mache heart box instead. It turned out so cute I just had to share it with you all.

We went to our local craft store and picked out some coordinating paper, some glitter stickers, and a heart shaped box. We began our box by coating the top of the lid with mod podge then placed the chosen piece of paper on top and smoothed it out. I trimmed the excess paper and then cut out a slot with an exacto knife. With a paper punch, we cut out a circle for each letter of her name and applied it to the top with more mod podge. Inside each circle we placed a silver glitter sticker to spell out her name.

Next, my daughter applied more mod podge to the sides of the bottom section of the box and we applied a coordinating paper to it.

For the edges of the lid I used some vintage sheet music from an old music magazine that I had on hand. All of the paper surfaces were then coated with a layer of mod podge on top to give it a little more durability as well as a nice sheen.

Finally, we wanted to finish it off with some sort of trim, so we decided on some frilly lace. I attached it to the edge of the lid with a hot glue gun. Shelby is so excited about her new Valentine box and can't wait to take it and show it off at school!